About Me

Hi, I’m Pamula Fernando and now your in my world!

This is the place where I store my ideas, concept and even special notes on Philosophy, Psychology, Technology, Business and mainly about questions like ‘Why do Human beings exist’ in deep forms of science and the facts that we think that still haven’t discovered, even though there’s no true answer for that kind of questions.

I’m also the Founder and CEO of LOOnU Softwares, which is tech company founded through my passion for technology and innovation. Also the founder and CEO of Hungry Farm and the Founder of side mirror Group of Companies. Meanwhile I’m based in Sri Lanka, this is the place ( Pamula.org ) I experience my wisdom through exploring my self deeper into the subjects which drives me towards having a purpose.

Also for your information I’m a very strong enthusiast in AI, which directly or indirectly shows the path to discover about humanity, bringing a competitive intelligence to grow much faster in this universe as human beings.

And If your like the same, send me an email to dive deeper into the context of Human.

Pamula Fernando